Darkness Over Me

Book Cover


20th Century (multiple decades),2000s

Lady Tracilyn George

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Moira appeared to the outside world as a strong but compassionate woman who gave freely of herself without thought of her kindness being reciprocated. Those around her believed that nothing fazed her and although she dealt with people in crisis, it never seemed to affect her negatively.


Family, Drama,

Short Summary

Moira and her best friend / associate, Jason, respond to a house fire. They are there to help those who are stranded.


Nova Scotia

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Twist, Happy Ending, Philosophical Questions

Mature Audience Themes

Substance Abuse, Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Abuse,Extreme Violence

Main Character Details

Name: Moira.

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Aspiring, Complex, Educated, Empathetic, Faithful, Modest, Selfless, Insecure, Leader, Secretive, Strong Moral Code,Confident,Sarcastic,Leader,Insecure,Faithful,Empathetic

Additional Character Details

Name: Jason

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Role: Sidekick

Key Traits: Confident, Desperate, Funny, Masculine, Aggressive, Educated, Empathetic, Engaging, Lone Wolf,Masculine,Charming,Funny,Sarcastic

Additional Character Details

Name: Chance

Age: 69

Gender: Male

Role: antagonist

Key Traits: Heartthrob, Leader, Outspoken, Criminal, Romantic, Secretive, Villainous, Lone Wolf, Narcissistic, Aggressive, Confident, Manipulative, Masculine, Power-hungry,Aggressive,Sexy,Confident,Complex,Masculine,Charming,Power Hungry,Secretive,Seductive,Manipulative,Leader

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Tracilyn is a native of Dartmouth, NS. Her path to becoming an author began in the seventh grade after her teacher gave weekly creative writing assignments. In her early 20s, a diagnosis of clinical depression changed her life for the better. It meant the continual feeling of sadness had a name and she didn’t imagine it. She has traveled extensively and also lived in the Canadian Arctic. Her aim with her books is to show others they are not alone.

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34,35-54,55+

Target Gender: Universal,Female Leaning

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Tracilyn George

Year Published: 2005

Hard Copy Available



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