When you continue to demonstrate that you are the "better" person they need a narrative to explain things. They sit there thinking, pondering, and wondering why? Todd Elliott Koger is the only person "who got it right" with a short amusingly interesting story about a real incident and person that he wrote in just 24-hours on the coldest evening in recent years. Mr. Koger explained during "forty days of publication" what was soon "proven true" and "confirmed correct" as per Attorney General William Barr's "Summary of the Robert Mueller findings." On March 22, 2019, Mr. Koger's publication was "censored." He received the following notification from Kindle Direct Publishing: "While reviewing the following books we found the title, cover image, descriptions and/or authors of the following book(s) are misleading to our customers: Title: Доклад Роберта Мюллера: The Robert Mueller Report “Long and short of this anecdote provides answers.” Mr. Koger's publication explained: "If Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was widespread and included attempts to divide Americans by race to manipulate U.S. politics (Russian government's Internet Research Agency, based in St. Petersburg using troll farms to urge African Americans to boycott the election), why did as few as 50,000 votes in just three states where he focused a "one-man" boycott activity decide the election?" Mr. Koger writes: "Maybe it is just a remarkable concurrence of events. (1) Serendipity that in North and West Philadelphia (Eastern Pennsylvania) where many of his emails were focused and Penn Hills (Western Pennsylvania) where he had capable supporters, and most of his "boots on the ground” activity every election that turnout fell 10 percent in these majority-black wards. (2) The happenstance that in Milwaukee, Wisconsin District 15 turnout was down 19.5% were Donald J. Trump used verbatim pretty much all of the language of his writings for the first speech "asking for the black vote." (3) And a "fluke" in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan where 75,000 "Motown" voters decided to stay home. Not only did Mr. Koger have a social media presence established with Wayne County, Mr. Trump "it appears" used almost verbatim all of his "talking points" shared for Mr. Trump's visit to Great Faith Ministries." With his short anecdote Mr. Koger questions: "Does this better explain why the Mueller's investigation appeared to have shifted away from collusion and became centered on WikiLeaks, DNC emails, Roger Stone?" Mr. Koger calls things a "Catastrophic political mess, like "Watergate." He says "Stupidity again at the highest level of American government with Congressional hearings, hundreds of pages of transcripts, sworn testimony, documentary evidence such as emails and text messages." Mr. Koger question "What is the reason for all this?" He says, "After Hillary Clinton's defeat in 2016 the Democrats appears to have immediately attempted to explain away any possible correlation between the African American vote and Donald Trump's victory." He added, "The Democrats were embarrassed that the black community stayed home rather than voting unleashing their talking heads to discount any organized strategy by the Trump campaign." Mr. Koger says, "America is no longer the envy of the world. News reporting is divided along the demographics of politics. Entertainment, theater, and social dialogue have become no more than propaganda. Biased based or misleading information used to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view." Todd Elliott: He is a product of Duquesne University School of Law. (2) He has a B.A., Political Science California University of Pennsylvania; and, an A.S., Labor Education CCAC. (3) He is a former, Law Clerk, Allegheny County Planner (Human Services), and Science Teacher. (4) He served on the Civil Service Commission where he adjudicated the conduct of police officers. (5) He negotiated the original deal for BET (and minority employment) with TCI Cable as Chair of the N.A.A.C.P Labor and Industry Committee. (6) He wrote the "first" alternative high school plan for Allegheny County. (7) He also wrote the demonstration proposal and implementation plan that former US Senator Harris Wofford's used to create "AMERICORPS." Mr. Koger was responsible for providing the language that is provision for helping with student loan obligations. (8) He was selected Who's Who Among Students of American Universities and Colleges; given the California University Distinguish Service Award and California University Progressive Leadership Award; and presented WTAE's, Channel 4 Gold Medal Award (Community Service).