What Happens In Roswell ...

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Stevan Fisher

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Seven years ago Andrew Wesman, a retired Navy SEAL and widower, was looking forward to a relaxing day off-roading in the mountains. He got a bit farther off road than he intended. Now he’s returned home, that is back to Earth. He has become part of a group responsible for mitigating disputes and it seems that the large populations of Aliens living on Earth want recognition. Humans on the other hand have no idea there really are aliens on their planet. To help him resolve this problem he has an ancient interstellar warship rumored to have destroyed several planets when its AI had a nervous breakdown. He also has a drop-dead gorgeous body guard who recently began insisting she is his fiancée. Then there is the small problem that someone is trying to kill him, although that might really be someone just trying to destroy the entire planet and he happens to be in the way of progress. At least he still has the assistance of his imaginary friend from childhood. Looks like just another day in Paradise.


Romance, Mystery, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Epic, Sci-Fi,

Short Summary

Retired Navy Seal is abducted by Aliens. Seven years later he returns to his home planet. During his absence he has change and is now part of a group of ombudsman, of sorts, sent to resolve interstellar disputes, aid by his fiance, a precocious AI and others.


Southern California, Roswell New Mexico, Earth and surrounding planets

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending, Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions, Twist

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Andrew Wesman (Watcher)

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Adventurous, Blunt, Romantic, Complex, Faithful, Patriotic, Skillful, Aggressive, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Flexible, Heroic, Sarcastic, Selfless, Leader, Masculine, Badass, Confident, Decisive, Engaging, Funny, Honorable, Outspoken, Strong Moral Code, Unapologetic

Additional Character Details

Name: Ish (Isha Hzisheirlakr)

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Role: Sidekick

Key Traits: Blunt, Decisive, Educated, Romantic, Sexy, Strong Moral Code, Perseverance, Sarcastic, Adventurous, Beautiful, Complex, Faithful, Heartthrob, Outspoken, Unapologetic, Badass, Heroic, Seductive, Selfless, Aggressive, Confident, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Flexible, Honorable, Leader, Skillful

Additional Character Details

Name: Sera

Age: 1500

Gender: Female

Role: Sidekick

Key Traits: Blunt, Complex, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Engaging, Faithful, Adventurous, Aggressive, Charming, Outspoken, Secretive, Obedient

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 2013

Hard Copy Available



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