The Secret Of Immortality

Book Cover


20th Century (multiple decades)

Simone Fernandes

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Magic, seduction, crime, passion and spirituality built this novel based exclusively on the soul's immortality above any human power. The strength of an united family who abdicates their lives with the basic purpose of helping the less fortunate. People who love, suffer, weep and hate with great intensity, showing the eternal struggle of good against evil since the creation of the world, rescuing in reincarnation all the force of forgiveness or continue to make the same mistakes, according to their free will. Do not do to others what you do not want for yourself. We are responsible for everything we do based on the universal law of action and reaction.



Short Summary

A mystical, charming romance filled with magic and excitement. In it we can travel through time identifying us with each character accompanying and feeling their emotions.


Brasil, Italia, Portugal

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: The family has Ruth, Yona, Arthur, Ashira, Laila

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Adventurous, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Gracious, Religious, Visionary, Charming, Perseverance, Romantic, Beautiful, Decisive, Heroic, Seductive, Complex, Educated, Sexy

Additional Character Details

Name: Yonna Arthur Laila Ashira

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Religious, Seductive, Aspiring, Beautiful, Heroic, Perseverance, Romantic, Adventurous, Decisive, Gracious, Complex, Confident, Educated, Charming, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Sexy

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 2016

Hard Copy Available



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