Progenitor, Book One of The Earthside Trilogy

Book Cover


The Future

Sherri Fulmer Moorer

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Humanity’s greatest achievement exposes our greatest weakness. Kalea Kerner was an electrical engineer focused on taking over her father’s company, until her uncle sat up from his deathbed and healed her broken foot. The miracle of their healing without the aid of recently developed nanotechnology puzzles doctors, especially when other cases of miracle healings are revealed. When the witnesses to the resurrections demonstrate abilities beyond human capacity, both medical professionals and government leaders are desperate to discover why witnesses to the healings are evolving, while the people who healed them are degenerating through their original diseases. These strange events on the brink of the twenty second century unite doctors, scientists, and ordinary people whose lives have been turned upside down grappling with the possibility that something greater than their advanced technology may have come into the world. Is it a miracle? Is it a side effect of increased technology? Or is it something else?


Epic, Action, Horror, Political, Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi, Suspense / Thriller, Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Mystery,

Short Summary

The year is 2098, and a new technology has just been introduced to the public: nanotechnology. Unfortunately, it came too late for some. When these individuals rise from their deathbeds, medical professionals wonder how, and why, this happened.


Columbia, South Carolina and the metro Washington D.C. area.

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Twist, Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions

Mature Audience Themes

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Main Character Details

Name: Kalea Kerner

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Aggressive, Educated, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Lone Wolf, Perseverance, Unapologetic, Blunt, Confident, Desperate, Visionary, Badass, Decisive, Outspoken, Strong Moral Code, Complex, Faithful, Skillful

Additional Character Details

Name: Annaliese Kerner Boyce

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Faithful, Gracious, Honorable, Selfless, Strong Moral Code, Aspiring, Engaging, Modest, Romantic, Perseverance, Beautiful, Charming, Decisive, Empathetic, Insecure, Leader, Patriotic, Sophisticated, Complex, Confident, Desperate, Educated, Secretive, Skillful

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Female leaning

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 2016

Hard Copy Available



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