Farewell My China

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20th Century (multiple decades)

Rosemary Boyd and Judy A. Lubao

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Farewell My China Synopsis The focus of this dynamic story is based on the true story of Anita Tayler Boyd and her siblings, Rosem, Helen and Maisie. Alfred Liewellyn Tayler, an architect and artist, sails from England at the turn of the 20th century to seek opportunities in the Orient. Lillian Chasemore Raper, an English nurse, accepts a post in India. After her duties are fulfilled, she decides to sail to Shanghai where she meets and marries Alfred and produces four daughters. His business flourishes and the family lives in the lap of luxury with many servants, a flamboyant social life and extravagant voyages abroad. Brought up by Victorian British parents in Shanghai, according to custom, the Tayler sisters are sent abroad to be educated and tailored to become debutants. Returning to Shanghai, they are oblivious to the poverty surrounding them and resume and enjoy their privileged lifestyle of lavish parties, sumptuous night clubs, elegant handmade gowns and attending sport events of the era. Life in Shanghai and Chinese customs are vividly explored with amusing and touching details. Sights, sounds and scents of the street vendors and ordinary life of the people and their mores opens a window for the reader to experience. The four beautiful Tayler girls eventually marry into wealthy families in China. While the focus is on Anita, her sisters’ lives are equally engrossing. She meets Kirby Boyd, the love of her life, who works for the British American Tobacco Company. After a tumultuous romance, they marry and live an exotic lifestyle while living in Newhwong, Tsingtao and Shanghai. Their dreamlike way of life in the midst of political unrest, warlords battling for territories and eventual Japanese invasion, abruptly ends. The cocoon woven around the family suddenly unravels. With the threat of Japanese takeover of Shanghai looming, large companies begin evacuating women and children of their employees from the International Settlements. The following years are wrought with family separations, Japanese internment camps and the horrors of war. Anita’s trials of experiencing life in a strange country, raising a young child alone and separation from her husband and family make for intense reading. World War II finally ends; however, it is the beginning of new tribulations. Banks and companies in Shanghai are slow to open, money is scarce and lodging is impossible to find. Overcoming tragedy and obstacles become a way of life for Anita. Longing to reclaim her lifestyle prior to the war, Anita returns to Shanghai, the city she loves; only to find it in shatters, a husband she barely recognizes and her family torn apart.


Action, Biographical, Family, Adventure, Drama, Epic, Memoir, Melodrama, Political, Romance, War,

Short Summary

Life of a British family in Shanghai before WWII, and the consequences on their lives during and after the war.


China, America, Canada, Western Europe, Australia

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Voyage and Return

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending

Mature Audience Themes

Extreme Violence

Main Character Details

Name: Anita Tayler and Kirby Cosmo Boyd

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Honorable, Sexy, Beautiful, Desperate, Flexible, Gracious, Heroic, Adventurous, Charming, Engaging

Additional Character Details

Name: Kirby Cosmo Boyd

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Adventurous, Charming, Educated, Engaging, Masculine, Romantic, Complex, Sexy

Additional Character Details

Name: Evelyn "Missie" Boyd

Age: 59

Gender: Female

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Aspiring, Badass, Confident, Leader, Sexy, Skillful, Unapologetic, Adventurous, Manipulative, Outspoken, Complex, Lone Wolf, Narcissistic, Perseverance, Visionary, Decisive, Engaging, Aggressive

Additional Character Details

Name: Rosemary Tayler

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Charming

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 35-54

Target Gender:

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: No

Hard Copy Available



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