Lucifer’s Lullaby follows the sensuous adventures throughout history of the most brilliant, powerful and misunderstood of all Archangels. Now, Lucifer has returned to earth to help save humanity from itself. There is only one problem. He has forgotten who he is! He has become human.
Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic, Epic, Fantasy,
Short Summary
Lucifer’s Lullaby is a modern-day parable and striking visionary journey that blends real events with legend and sensual prose at a rip-roaring pace. His story is our story, from clubs to bedrooms, black holes to quantum dimensions, sex, soul and beyond.
From the ghettos of London to ancient Israel and the black heart of Africa, Lucifer quests to Remember who he is, leading his colourful band of apostles to battle the most chilling adversary of all time: Satan.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Overcoming Monster/Villain
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions, Twist
Mature Audience Themes
Main Character Details
Name: Lucifer
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous, Charming, Complex, Confident, Outspoken, Badass, Blunt, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Funny, Narcissistic
Additional Character Details
Name: Merlin
Gender: Male
Role: Sidekick
Key Traits: Adventurous, Complex, Crazy, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Funny
Additional Character Details
Name: Glenlothin
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Role: Emotional
Key Traits: Sarcastic, Sexy, Adventurous, Beautiful, Confident, Engaging, Heartthrob, Honorable
Additional Character Details
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