The Ripper
It is a fast-paced story filled with interesting characters and an enemy that cannot be destroyed by conventional means. Based on the historic events surrounding the murders of Jack the Ripper, Maldonado uses a mixture of fiction and fact to grab the attention of the reader. Even though his story is fictional, the actions of Jack the Ripper are part of a reality that still baffles the world. The areas of London that saw the murders of Jack the Ripper occur have become great tourist attractions and the locals have no problem implementing these into their businesses, especially pubs and restaurants. But all of a sudden a murder occurs, more specifically, the type of murder Jack the Ripper would’ve done. Chelsea, a well-known writer and “Ripperologist” knew this would happen and even though she is in America at the time of the killing, she tries to stop it. When Chelsea was a student at college she was the victim of a horrific attack, which she barely survived and it left her face scarred forever. Her father is Matthew Reid, a private detective in London and a descendent of the detective who initially investigated the original Ripper murders. As the copycat murders occur they are both drawn into the dangerous situation. Thanks to her visions, Chelsea cannot avoid her involvement. As for Matthew, he is approached by a local newspaper in search of a sensational story while providing substantial compensation. Unfortunately they aren’t dealing with just another copycat killer. Instead they face an entity that is much more powerful and a lot more deadly. As their conclusions reach the reality of the situation their fear to survive becomes greater than their passion to simply catch a serial killer.
Suspense / Thriller, Crime, Detective, Drama, Gothic, Historical Fiction, Horror, Mystery,
Short Summary
The Ripper is a riveting horror story by L.A. Maldonado. Ripperologist Chelsea Reid gains clairvoyant vision after a brutal attack and warns a stranger in Whitechapel of her forthcoming murder. A modern day Jack the Ripper story
London, Miami Florida
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Plot - Other Elements
Mature Audience Themes
Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity
Main Character Details
Name: Matthew Reid descendant of the detective on the original case,
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Selfless, Strong Moral Code, Badass, Desperate, Heroic, Lone Wolf, Masculine, Engaging, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Faithful, Blunt, Flexible, Modest, Educated, Honorable, Outspoken, Religious
Additional Character Details
Name: Chelsea Reid a Ripperologist gains clairvoyant vision after a brutal attack and warns a stranger in Whitechapel of her forthcoming murder.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Role: Emotional
Key Traits: Beautiful, Charming, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Skillful, Adventurous, Aspiring
Additional Character Details
Name: The Ripper
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Role: tempter
Key Traits: Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Power-hungry, Sarcastic, Seductive, Villainous, Charming, Desperate, Engaging,Criminal,Desperate
Additional Character Details
Name: The Ripper Mother
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: emotional
Key Traits: Aggressive,Crazy,Seductive,Secretive,Sarcastic,Power Hungry,Blunt,Religious,Sexy,Uneducated,Villainous