Angel of Adversity

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Judy MacPherson

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Enduring one adversity after another, Claire Morgan climbed each agonizing mountain of challenge and survived. But this time, this woman of strength has been confronted with the most monumental heartbreak imaginable. Feeling as if all hope has been lost, she searches for a new direction. Enchanted by the landscape of the Canadian prairie, Claire finds tranquility in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. However, the terrorizing drama of her past threatens the serenity she has found as she is still further challenged.   Pulling strength from the depths of her soul, Claire Morgan confronts the lurking evil spirit head-on.   A truly inspirational story, leaving the reader emotionally enthralled as it touches upon every sentiment of the soul. The Yorkton Series – Book #1  



Short Summary

Angel of Adversity is Book #1 out of a 4 Book Series - "The Yorkton Series". The author put many aspects of her own life of struggle into fictional stories of other women, so the books have excerpts of truth in them. The book takes the reader on a journey and touches upon every emotion.


Westfield, Massachusetts, New York City, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending, Meaningful Message, Twist

Mature Audience Themes

Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity

Main Character Details

Name: Claire Morgan

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Sophisticated, Adventurous, Confident, Educated, Engaging, Leader, Modest, Selfless, Beautiful, Charming, Gracious, Perseverance, Seductive, Empathetic, Honorable, Romantic, Skillful, Strong Moral Code, Visionary, Sexy

Additional Character Details

Name: Luke Johnston

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Charming, Gracious, Honorable, Romantic, Seductive, Adventurous, Complex, Flexible, Heroic, Masculine, Engaging, Heartthrob, Modest, Strong Moral Code, Confident, Empathetic, Patriotic, Perseverance, Sexy, Skillful

Additional Character Details

Name: Jacob Redkin

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Narcissistic, Power-hungry, Aggressive, Badass, Blunt, Criminal, Decisive, Greedy, Desperate, Masculine, Secretive, Unapologetic, Villainous

Additional Character Details

Name: Mike Whitman

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Perseverance, Seductive, Charming, Heroic, Honorable, Masculine, Sarcastic, Sophisticated, Strong Moral Code, Educated, Engaging, Faithful, Flexible, Aspiring, Empathetic, Skillful, Underdog, Funny, Gracious, Selfless, Sexy

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 35-54

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 2004

Hard Copy Available



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