The Hidden Goddess With A Twisted Mind

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Joniece Jackson

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Inside the twisted mind of a lonely girl.



Short Summary

Nita's cell phone gets multiple Christmas texts as the sun hits her face. She groans as she gets up and sits on the edge of the bed with bottles of wine by her feet. She stumbles to the bathroom and pours a glass of wine. That's one way to start the morning.


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Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Rags to Riches,Overcoming Monster/Villain,Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Twist,Happy Ending,Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

Substance Abuse,Sexual Abuse,Extreme Violence,Nudity, Language/Profanity

Main Character Details

Name: Nita

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Aspiring,Badass,Aggressive,Charming,Empathetic,Faithful,Sexy,Narcisstic,Funny,Secretive,Romantic

Additional Character Details

Name: Tiara

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Villainous,Blunt

Additional Character Details

Name: Barry

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Role: antagonist

Key Traits: Uneducated,Criminal,Masculine,Power Hungry

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Hey Guys, I'm Joniece but you can call me Jo! I'm 25 years old and just like you I've been doing this thing called life, adulting, figuring things out and an occasional drowning with some floaties. But there's two things that's been my rock. God as number one. Writing is number 2. God brought me into this world in Baltimore, Maryland. However, just like you, there was some jumps, loops, sprints, and burns along the way. Every wound from anxiety, grief, lust and love, was treated by Him and poetry. Every word written brought a tear to my eyes, but each page flipped was a moment healed. In 2017 I made a big jump and decided to share it with the world by publishing my first poetry book, "The Hidden Goddess With A Twisted Mind". One year later, I found myself jumping back into maddness with the release of "V2: The Hidden Goddess With A Twisted Mind". So if your reading this biography, and not the "The Hidden Goddess With A Twisted Mind" right now, Thank you so much for wanting to know more about a little ol' me. Here's some not so cool but scientifically dope facts: I have my associates degree in science and pursuring my Bachelor's in Medical Technology. I moved 10 times in my life and working on my 11th, hopefully the 12th or 15th is the last one. I'm the oldest sibling out of 5 (No pressure), and I have this thing for the beach. There's just somthing about sand, waves and cold one that does it for me. I'm sure you would want to know more, and the best way to find that is by following me on Twitter @Jobaybee1 or keep up with my adventures on instagram @Jobaybeejo. Thank you again so much for your time! Welcome to my Twisted Mind

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34,35-54

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Self Publsihed

Year Published: 2017

Hard Copy Available



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