The Man That Most Loved You

Jonatan Vega
The Man That Most Loved You is a very special romantic gay love novel with poems,which really happened. Jonatan and Bryan fall in love through an application. Bryan wanting to be a businessman and Jonatan a great successful writer and have a serious, long-lasting relationship with Bryan. They will spend time together but something will happen when they are so in love. From one day to the next Bryan Schafer will leave without saying goodbye,a good man, but not accepted with insecurities about what his family has put in his mind through his life, prejudice, homophobia, not to love himself. Jonatan without knowing why Bryan ruined everything,will try to find answers. It is a novel with many learnings about manipulation on a sentimental level, affective attachment, detachment, self-acceptance and the social acceptance of Bryan Schafer's sexual orientation,the homophobic ideology of a family and of Bryan's friends who selfishly oppose the relationship and love of Jonatan and Bryan. The Man That Most Loved you speaks of that hope difficult to extinguish even when everything is finished. It is so intense the wait that Jonatan prefers to silence everything and not damage the story any more if one day that person decides to return. It seeks to end discrimination and promote the right to love for people of the same sex through the characters and the novel itself being a personal experience of the author. Jonatan realizes many things, learns detachment and self-love, control and peace of mind that at the same time makes him more spiritual and grateful. Jonatan will survive the battle of love and heartbreak that will make him stronger and more determined in his life, because he will realize that in a relationship there must be peace, tranquility, and harmony to see things clearly. The poet and Jonatan's amazing being will always be reborn from the ashes of the memory of his limiting love, Bryan, and his lack of love. What Bryan Schafer does not know is that Jonatan will never be the same again,he will be better and he will be renewed.
Comedy, Family, LGBT, Romance, Young Adult, Action, Drama,,LGBT,Drama,Romance,Adventure,Biographical,Epic,Young Adult
Short Summary
Bryan Schafer goes to Sacramento, meets Jonatan for the first time, they meet in a park and stay that night at a hotel to talk about their lives and enjoy their romance. They fall in love more.One day Bryan stops communicating with Jonatan, and visiting him, Jonatan does not know why.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Internal Journey/Rebirth
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message, Happy Ending, Coming of Age,,Happy Ending
Mature Audience Themes
Sexual Abuse,Nudity
Main Character Details
Name: Jonatan
Age: 18
Gender: Lgbt
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Masculine, Obedient, Sexy, Sophisticated, Beautiful, Educated, Flexible, Gracious, Perseverance, Romantic, Seductive, Aspiring, Faithful, Badass, Leader, Decisive, Lone Wolf, Visionary, Adventurous, Confident,Faithful,Educated,Romantic,Confident,Sexy,Obedient,Charming,Modest,Badass,Complex,Aspiring,Flexible,Visionary,Decisive,Naive,Outspoken,Gracious,Secretive
Additional Character Details
Name: Bryan Schafer
Age: 25
Gender: Lgbt
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous, Sarcastic, Insecure, Modest, Patriotic, Power-hungry, Charming, Confident, Flexible, Seductive, Gracious, Manipulative, Masculine, Romantic, Educated, Funny, Sexy, Aspiring, Clumsy, Decisive, Secretive, Visionary, Beautiful, Crazy, Engaging, Desperate, Lone Wolf, Narcissistic,Masculine,Charming,Narcisstic,Obedient,Confident,Complex,Sexy,Crazy,Patriotic,Desperate,Outspoken,Selfless,Faithful,Flexible,Funny,Visionary,Gracious,Romantic,Heartthrob,Sarcastic,Secretive,Educated,Seductive,Sophisticated,Insecure,Manipulative,Leader,Unapologetic,Engaging,Blunt,Lone Wolf,Aspiring,Aggressive
Additional Character Details
Name: John(russian) Bryan's rommate.He gives advice.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Beautiful, Leader, Decisive, Funny, Masculine, Romantic, Obedient, Perseverance, Adventurous, Aspiring, Confident, Faithful, Flexible, Gracious, Sexy, Visionary, Charming, Educated, Honorable, Modest, Sophisticated,Decisive,Leader,Funny,Masculine,Romantic,Obedient,Adventurous,Aspiring,Confident,Faithful,Flexible,Gracious,Sexy,Visionary,Charming,Educated,Honorable,Modest,Sophisticated
Additional Character Details
Name: James(Bryan's new boyfriend end),Bryans family:Debbie schafer(Mother),Nick schafer(brother),David Schafer(father).Friends.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Aspiring, Educated, Visionary, Sexy, Outspoken, Adventurous, Beautiful, Complex, Gracious, Modest, Seductive, Clumsy, Confident, Empathetic, Funny, Power-hungry, Sarcastic, Decisive, Faithful, Flexible, Romantic, Secretive,Masculine,Modest,Obedient,Sexy,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Flexible,Educated,Sophisticated,Leader,Funny,Honorable,Romantic,Gracious,Adventurous,Charming,Visionary