Forever Bound
Nashville attorney Rosa Norway decides to help represent a man she knows is guilty, a man she despises, so that she might, behind the scenes, work for his conviction, knowing full well the legal and ethical implications if anyone finds out what she has done.
Suspense / Thriller, Mystery, Drama,
Short Summary
Attorney Rosa Norway decides to represent a former client charged with her best friends murder, having little doubt he is guilty and hoping she can do whatever she can to help convict him.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Plot - Other Elements
Mature Audience Themes
Main Character Details
Name: Rosa Norway
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Sophisticated, Adventurous, Engaging, Honorable, Romantic, Selfless, Charming, Strong Moral Code, Aggressive, Aspiring, Blunt, Educated, Sexy, Beautiful, Confident
Additional Character Details
Name: Kat
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Confident, Educated, Heroic, Honorable, Adventurous, Beautiful, Decisive, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Aggressive, Badass, Blunt, Engaging, Complex, Selfless, Strong Moral Code
Additional Character Details
Name: Angelo Bonoventura
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Manipulative, Power-hungry, Blunt, Criminal, Insecure, Greedy, Uneducated, Badass, Confident, Decisive
Additional Character Details
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