The Chosen
One man, caught between Heaven, Hell, ancient secret orders and a long-thought-extinct race of nightmarish giants, will be forced to determine the fate of all mankind.
Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Short Summary
We begin with both our protagonist and his ancestor stalking through the cities of their respective times, in parallel situations, encountering supernatural horrors.
New York, Greece, Scotland
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Plot - Other Elements
Coming of Age, Twist
Mature Audience Themes
Information not completed
Main Character Details
Name: Casey Dillon
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Honorable, Insecure, Sarcastic, Clumsy, Desperate
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this