The Request for Lambency

Book Cover


The Future

ileso DMC

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A teenage girl teams with a band of San Diego Comic-Con nerds in order to evade a large corporation in pursuit of information concerning a luminous phenomenon that occurs after death dubbed the 'request.'


Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Young Adult,

Short Summary

A migrant child's camera becomes his 'request' and goes thru a unique sequence of lights just before disappearing. The video feed is still recording to a tablet showing an obscure location. Protagonist partially uploads the video which reaches global attention to include the antagonist.


This story takes place approximately five years into the future in July. It starts in Klamath Falls, OR as the chase leads to San Diego where the majority of the story takes place.

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise


Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message, Twist, Philosophical Questions

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Powa

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Educated, Engaging, Honorable, Perseverance, Blunt, Confident

Additional Character Details

Name: Koonzo-leader of his band of Comic-Con nerds. Leads his team well but has issues dealing with the protagonist.

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Adventurous, Aspiring, Blunt, Leader, Selfless, Skillful

Additional Character Details

Name: Mrs. Bellows

Age: 67

Gender: Female

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Aggressive, Blunt, Perseverance, Educated, Leader, Manipulative, Badass, Confident, Decisive

Additional Character Details

Name: Mr. Carter

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Decisive, Masculine, Obedient, Perseverance, Unapologetic, Badass, Blunt, Confident, Aggressive, Skillful

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 13-17

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: WMS Press

Year Published: 2018

Hard Copy Available



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