The Masterpiece

Gerald Johnson

Book Cover



    Core Theme



    Across Centuries


    300, VIKINGS




    the history of the world, and all the Viking tribes. The great truth about the great flood. the comet strike on Greenland, and the melting of some of the ice age ice that lasted over 20.000 years.

    Target Audiences

    Age: 55+,35-54,18-34,13-17,7-12

    Target Gender: Universal



    Based on a True Story


    Publishing Details

    Status: Yes: self-published

    Publisher: Kindle

    Year Published: 2019

    Starting Description

    plato atlantis drowned from tidal waves,12,500bc. survivors build egypt, and go to create the middle east, south America, and Antarctica. The Nazis searched the world looking for Atlantis. The high priests of tibet, brought out a golden book, with a map of Antarctia,and said,they said you would come

    Ending Description

    The knights and Vikings collect all the treasure and head for America

    Group Specific

    Information not completed

    Hard Copy Available




    Mature Audience Themes

    Information not completed

    Plot - Other Elements

    Meaningful Message,Other

    Plot - Premise


    Main Character Details

    Name: Gerald Johnson

    Age: 67

    Gender: Other

    Role: Logical

    Key Traits: Educated,Adventurous

    Additional Character Details

    Name: Gerald Johnson

    Age: 67

    Gender: Male

    Role: Logical

    Key Traits: Adventurous

    Additional Character Details

    Name: Gerald Johnson

    Age: 67

    Gender: Male

    Role: logical

    Key Traits: Adventurous

    Additional Character Details

    The author has not yet written this




    A complete history of the Viking and Germanic people across history, exploring their conflicts over the ages, their influences and traditions, and their lasting, formative impact on the world today.

    Overall Rating


    Point of View


    Narrative Elements

    Authors Writing Style: FAIR

    Characterization: FAIR

    Commerciality: FAIR

    Franchise Potential: FAIR

    Pace: FAIR

    Premise: FAIR

    Structure: FAIR

    Theme: FAIR

    Accuracy of Book Profile

    The profile has much room for improvement. For starters, there are dozens of spacing and capitalization errors. Also, the development pitch is rambling and fails to outline, sell, or set expectations for the text at large.

    Draw of Story

    The author makes a slew of bold statements before we even get into the meat of the text-- For example, he claims that this text contains secret knowledge and that it will blow your mind like an atomic bomb. Although not the most humble opening, it is certainly attention-grabbing.

    Possible Drawbacks

    There were a few things that made me want to put the book down. For one, there are endless spelling, spacing, and formatting errors in this work. For another, the structure is terribly dense and uninviting to the reader-- with many huge blocks of text and seemingly little effort put toward flow and palatability. Moreover, this work is incoherent and hard to follow due to how frequently the author jumps from one topic and time period to the next. And finally, this work frustrates in that it features virtually no evidence or historical or academic reference of any kind. The author is simply asking the audience to take his word for just about each and every thought in this text, and he intensely lacks credibility as a result.

    Use of Special Effects


    Primary Hook of Story

    Although devoid of structure and characters, this work does iterate a memorable vision of the Vikings-- Imagery of their bloody conflicts and seafaring could certainly lend itself to an adaptation.

    Fanbase Potential

    It is not really plausible that this work could be adapted, per se, as it is strictly a loose historical account of many groups of people over thousands of years. However, if a filmmaker was to adapt some of the ideas or topics in this work into a Viking epic, it could certainly net a fair size audience from the 300 and GAME OF THRONES crowd.

    Awards Potential

    No, this could not really be adapted directly, and if a topic or idea was expanded upon or specified for an adaptation, it would lean toward genres that don't typically get recognized in awards season.

    Envisioned Budget


    Similar Films/TV Series

    300, VIKINGS

    What’s New About the Story

    It is not often that one sees a work as dense, detailed, and sprawling as this, and it certainly stands apart for that reason. However, making this work more palatable and better-structured would take this notion and make it a strength.

    Lead Characters

    N/A -- There are no lead characters in this work, and fleeting historical figures are mentioned only in passing.

    Uniqueness of Story

    No, this is not a rare gem. It is exceedingly hindered by its many writing and formatting errors, by its lack of academic or historical reference and evidence, and by how loose and difficult to follow it is.

    Possible Formats

    TV Series: Limited Run / Mini-Series

    Analyst Recommendation



    As noted, this work contains hundreds of errors, and it is quite difficult to read and follow due to its density and loose structure.

    Tips for Improvement

    This work would need a comprehensive pass for editing and to consider reader palatability. It would also need to lean more into the facts and historical record as it applies to its topics. Also, the author would be wise to tighten up and organize his trains of thought, as they are exceedingly difficult to follow in its current form.


    A complete history of the Viking and Germanic people across history, detailing their influences and traditions, their violent conflicts, and their lasting impact on the world today.

    What We Liked

    Although scattered and often hard-to-follow, this work lends the reader some vivid images of the Viking people of old-- Their battles, regalia, and customs. It feels like this topic specifically could be picked out and adapted to screen in epic form if put in the right hands.

    Film: Parts of this work could be reasonably adapted to screen for their epic, visual, and larger-than-life qualities. The battles of Vikings specifically stand out as opportune for adaptation to screen, bringing to mind the imagery of the film 300 and the like.

    TV: While it would require a true labor in sorting it out and clarifying its characters, this would could be a good adaptation for TV in that it contains literally endless opportunities for story threads, given that it covers thousands upon thousands of years worth of conflicts and people.

    Key points:
    1. The detailed account of the Vikings.
    2. The many battles between diverse factions throughout history.
    3. The interesting origins of the Germanic people.
    4. The curious and evident lasting impact of the Vikings.
    5. The exploration of the earliest intelligent civilizations of man.


    The author introduces us to the text, immediately claiming it to be the greatest collection of knowledge ever assembled. "The Masterpiece" is said to be a complete history of the Viking and Germanic warriors across history, containing bounds of secret knowledge and assembled over half-a-century-- all of which is 100% true, the author writes. We get into the history-- An incredibly dense, detailed, if scattered and difficult-to-follow delineation of the earliest ages of man. We follow the earliest civilizations of man, tens of thousands of years ago, and the author outlines the many ancient technologies and wonders of the old world. He tells how members of the ancient societies even had superior intelligence levels compared to humanity today. We learn of historical figures like Napoleon and others, who sought out and scavenged the treasures of the old world. And later, we shift gears and zero in on the Roman Empire and diverse Anglo-Saxon tribes, which gave way to intense, violent conflicts across Western Europe that proved formative to our modern world.

    A comprehensive account focusing on the trajectory of the Aryan people throughout history begins. We learn first of the Aryans' absorption of Eastern wisdom, and we track its influence in the people even as late as the rise of the Nazi party in the 20th century, which had an undercurrent of Eastern spirituality and mysticism influencing Nazi symbolism and ideology. Before long, we dive into the history of the Vikings and the many Germanic tribes of Europe. The author lends a special focus and consideration to the warrior traditions of the Vikings, alluding often to a "magic" in their blood that led to their victoriousness over centuries. We learn of the Vikings' impressive fleets and the epic sea battles they fought. Warring factions square off all across Europe, and we learn of the ascension of Germany as a force in the world in the late 10th century. The author continues talk of the "magic" in the German peoples' blood, which endowed them with great leaders across the ages when they needed them most.

    We dive further into the Viking tribes across Europe and how they eventually contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire. The author details epic sea battles between the Vikings and the Angles and Saxons, etc. This leads us to the late 10th century, where the Vikings continue to raid and terrorize the budding English and Welsh civilizations, and the author is careful in detailing a graphic, bloody, ongoing back-and-forth conflict. The Vikings, in this time, ambitioned to pillage the English and to abscond with treasures and riches of old. Over time, the conflicts gradually came to an end, and the Vikings and their descendants went on to establish modern day Scandinavia. The descendants, we learn, informed--and inform--much of the trade and structure of the modern world, residual from the Vikings forcefulness in the old world.

    About The Author

    Born in California, Gerald Johnson has researched the history of the world for more than half-a-century. His vast knowledge and expertise informs this sprawling account with perfect accuracy.