Steel Stonehenge
Synopsis of Steel Stonehenge It is the year 1987. A vast and bizarre circular array of steel towers sprouts rudely from the midst of the Interior Alaska wilderness in stark defiance of all that’s holy. Only a select few in the world scientific community have any idea what the abomination is for. Alice-Margrette “A.M.” Leander is one of those select the best of her knowledge. Against her initial visceral response upon coming on board the project, A.M. is finally able to overlook the array’s disturbing resemblance to ancient Stonehenge...but with a scary space-age twist...and get on with the research at hand. She learns that the intent of the array is actually quite benign; it is used to direct powerful radio waves skyward to explore the Aurora Borealis and related phenomena. Some new developments, however, threaten to renew her uneasy truce with the apparatus. Dr. Leroy Wu, the enigmatic project manager, has proposed a disturbing modification to the array. Two of A.M.’s more down-to-earth colleagues, William Tell St. John and Al Webb, are able to piece together the scant morsels of information Dr. Wu has released, and come to a frightening conclusion. Dr. Wu intends to redirect the immensely powerful radio signals downward, so as to convert the Earth into a giant particle detector. The subject of the experiment is to “trap” the elusive Magnetic Monopole, referred in hushed tones throughout the physics community as the God Particle. A.M., by this time, has acquired the status of the moral compass of the Probe. As long as she was around, nobody worried too much about the technology being used for some nefarious purpose, if such a thing were possible, which in itself was highly unlikely. However, with the latest development, A.M. has something entirely new to worry about. It isn’t about doom and destruction, or espionage, or least in the normal sense. The question is about whether the knowledge of the God Particle itself is the moral equivalent of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Could it be that they are about to cross over a line that will bring the Wrath of God? How would they know before the fact? A.M. is somewhat morbidly gratified that some of her colleagues are beginning to ask the same questions. She proceeds cautiously, fully expecting a lightning bolt to emerge from the sky at any time and fry them all. Ironically, A.M. acquires numerous insights which happen to be the precise solutions to some of the insurmountable technical obstacles the staff scientists have encountered. She begins to question whether she, herself, is the embodiment of all evil. After nearly three years of preparation, the experiment is ready. Everyone present realizes the immensity of the moment. If the experiment succeeds, they could all acquire instant fame and fortune. Or they could all burn in Hell.
Short Summary
Synopsis of Steel Stonehenge It is the year 1987. A vast and bizarre circular array of steel towers sprouts rudely from the midst of the Interior Alaska wilderness in stark defiance of all that’s holy. Only a select few in the world scientific community have any idea what the abomination is
Interior Alaska (HAARP experimental radio facility)
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Plot - Other Elements
Philosophical Questions
Mature Audience Themes
Information not completed
Main Character Details
Name: Alice-Margrette Leander
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous, Badass, Beautiful, Blunt
Additional Character Details
Name: Lisa Tang
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Role: Sidekick
Key Traits: Educated, Modest, Naive
Additional Character Details
Name: Al Webb
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Role: Mentor
Key Traits: Aggressive, Confident, Crazy, Masculine, Uneducated, Unapologetic
Additional Character Details
Name: Dr. Leroy Wu
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Leader