Two Shades of Vice
Based on the true story of a 1960s interracial couple who enters a dramatically dark world of crime, where they are challenged by law enforcement, the Ku Klux Klan, gangsters, and rival street hustlers.
Biographical, Crime, Detective, Drama
Short Summary
Enter Alla Mae Briggs. She is four foot eleven and one-hundred twenty pounds of pure street hustle. Alla Mae has engaged herself in crimes such as prostitution, petty larceny, theft, and forgery.
Kansas City, Missouri
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Rebellion Against 'The One'
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message
Mature Audience Themes
Substance Abuse, Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity, Nudity, Sexual Abuse
Main Character Details
Name: Alla Mae Briggs
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Skillful, Underdog, Uneducated, Villainous, Criminal, Outspoken, Blunt, Manipulative, Sarcastic, Unapologetic, Aggressive, Badass
Additional Character Details
Name: Gordon Reynolds
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Criminal, Insecure, Manipulative, Villainous, Aggressive, Crazy, Desperate, Masculine, Narcissistic, Badass, Greedy, Outspoken, Blunt, Skillful, Sarcastic
Additional Character Details
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Additional Character Details
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