Car boot diamond

20th Century (multiple decades)
Debra Goddard
This is a true story about the author,who was brought up in the care system.The author grew up with heartache and betrayal.The author was very angry with her mum. 32 years ago the author and her mother went to a car boot and brought a trinket box for £10 . After the authors mum went to get the rest of her husband of over 40 years, funeral costs. The author and her mum discover that authors sister had stole life savings and fraud was committed. The author and her mum have a 2 year court battle,the court case was dropped at last minute. The authors mum lost everything her health, her home and financial ruin. What the author did find because of this betrayal towards her mother was a love that replaced the authors anger. A love that only came because of what the sister had done to authors mother. 6 months after court case was dropped and because of the financial loss the authors mother had suffered, the author thought a stone in a ring might of been a cubic zirconia. The stone was a 26.27 carat diamond that sold at Sotheby’s London on the 07/06/2017 for £670 thousand pounds. This is a true story of Karma
Biographical, Drama, Memoir, Young Adult, Family
Short Summary
Starts as author being a young girl going into care. The author growing up the hard way.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Rags to Riches
Plot - Other Elements
Happy Ending, Meaningful Message
Mature Audience Themes
Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity, Substance Abuse
Main Character Details
Name: Debra Goddard
Age: 55
Gender: Female
Role: Emotional
Key Traits: Heroic, Honorable, Selfless, Aggressive, Criminal, Empathetic, Faithful, Funny, Strong Moral Code, Underdog, Blunt, Crazy, Desperate, Outspoken, Unapologetic, Complex, Insecure, Perseverance, Uneducated
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this