The Killing of Miguel

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Christopher McAfee

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"When someone loses a family member, or is faced with tragedy that is beyond comprehension, the mind and body take refuge in a safe place. Sometimes, it takes the person on a journey that many people cannot conceive. It is my opinion that Steven will never be able to return to his former self." That quote was from one of my doctors that I saw while confined. While it is true that the death of my father was very traumatic, what followed was truly real. It was a battle of wills with the epitome of Evil.


Adventure, Horror, Memoir, Action, Apocalyptic, Drama,

Short Summary

Miguel is an Agent of The Devil who secures souls for Satan. Through a series of events, often described as Fate and Destiny, young Steven is enlisted to kill Miguel and restore peace to the World. After his task is completed a more complex situation reveals itself testing Steven's soul and beliefs.


Story settings and Locations will not be named as we fear retribution from religious zealots, the Catholic Church, and of course, The Devil.

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain

Plot - Other Elements

Coming of Age

Mature Audience Themes

Extreme Violence

Main Character Details

Name: Steven

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Naive, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Adventurous, Clumsy, Heroic, Insecure

Additional Character Details

Name: Father Patrick

Age: 80

Gender: Male

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Aggressive, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Heroic, Religious, Adventurous

Additional Character Details

Name: Alexa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Beautiful, Faithful, Strong Moral Code, Religious

Additional Character Details

Name: Jake

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Role: Sidekick

Key Traits: Confident, Decisive, Educated

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Zombie Cupcake Publishing

Year Published: 2018

Hard Copy Available



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