Coalition: The Beginning

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Christopher M. Fowler

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Zohn Kai; war hero, pilot, warrior, widower and prince to the throne of the Basti Empire begins a new chapter in his life finding new friendsin the Delta Coalition of Worlds as he finds a renewed faith in love, adventure and understanding of his human allies as they fight an old enemy.



Short Summary

Zohn Kai, of the Basti, has long been in the service of his homeworld. As part of his career as a warrior, he has seen many battles and lost his wife, a warrior/healer, to war. He has chosen to take a lesser rank and join the Delta Coalition of Worlds as an exchange officer.


Earth and Space

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Other,Internal Journey/Rebirth,Overcoming Monster/Villain

Plot - Other Elements

Philosophical Questions,Meaningful Message,Happy Ending,Other

Mature Audience Themes


Main Character Details

Name: Prince Zohn Kai

Age: 130+ (long life character)

Gender: Male

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Masculine,Modest,Badass,Charming,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Blunt,Empathetic,Selfless,Skillful,Flexible,Gracious,Greedy,Romantic,Heroic,Secretive,Educated,Honorable,Sophisticated,Strong Moral Code,Leader,Unapologetic,Patriotic,Faithful

Additional Character Details

Name: Major Andrew Thompson

Age: mid-30's

Gender: Male

Role: Sidekick

Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Masculine,Badass,Charming,Sexy,Decisive,Selfless,Engaging,Outspoken,Faithful,Funny,Flexible,Sarcastic,Heroic,Educated,Honorable,Strong Moral Code,Unapologetic,Confident,Skillful,Patriotic,Empathetic,Leader

Additional Character Details

Name: Lieutenant Idara Koza'ant

Age: 90 (long life character, same species as main character)

Gender: Female

Role: emotional

Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Badass,Modest,Charming,Complex,Sexy,Confident,Patriotic,Blunt,Empathetic,Selfless,Engaging,Faithful,Skillful,Flexible,Gracious,Romantic,Heartthrob,Seductive,Heroic,Educated,Honorable,Strong Moral Code,Decisive

Additional Character Details

Name: Gidre of the Three Moons Clan

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Role: sidekick

Key Traits: Adventurous,Charming,Sexy,Confident,Funny,Gracious,Flexible,Empathetic,Honorable,Seductive,Selfless

About The Author

Raised in the age of Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, mediocre B-rated movies, Lost in Space, Star Wars and a multitude of fantasy genre's such as Lord of the Rings, I developed a love of science fiction and fantasy early on in life. As a young adult, I enlisted in the military and did a bit of traveling, having the opportunity to learn about different places and cultures, providing me with exposure to many types of societies and customs, both new and old, that became the basis for not only the civilizations in my stories, but the basis for some of the characters as well. I began the concept for Coalition in 1977 while in high school with a short story about the main characters that grew into a short film idea. Finding that there was not enough background on the characters, I decided to go back to the beginning and write the first in the series, "Coalition, The Beginning", to provide some background and context to the characters. The story that started it all is done as well as four additional stories in the series.

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34,35-54,55+,13-17

Target Gender: Universal,Other

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Page Publishing,

Year Published: 03/03/2017

Hard Copy Available



ISBN978-1-365-70738-4 /ISBN-13: 9781662439520