Heather's Turn

Book Cover


1980s & '90s

Christina Leigh Pritchard

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Alice failed. Now it's Heather's turn. Did you ever hear the old saying, Ignorance is Bliss? That's how it was for Heather and her friends. Life at the carnival was normal. Then, one small event, catapulted them into reality–into what they really were… Freaks. Heather and her friends discover just how strange they are when they’re forced to step into our world. They see what life is like in various cultures and unravel a dark history that's been buried deep by their relatives. When they learn the truth, can they forgive and move on? Or will the hate consume them like it did their parents? Will they find the same misfortune as Alice who was hanged for trying to change the world? Or will their bond of friendship be too strong to allow the world around them to corrupt the way they view each other?


Fantasy, Young Adult, Adventure, Drama, Family,

Short Summary

Heather and her friends grow up in a traveling carnival. The real world is fantasy to them until they are forced into it.


Various: Delray Beach, FL, Mobile, Alabama, Batesville, MS

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions, Twist, Coming of Age, Happy Ending

Mature Audience Themes

Substance Abuse, Sexual Abuse

Main Character Details

Name: Heather Williams

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Adventurous, Beautiful, Complex, Confident, Empathetic, Funny, Naive, Outspoken, Sarcastic

Additional Character Details

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Additional Character Details

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Additional Character Details

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About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 13-17

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: It was being published by Bella Tulip Publishing, but they disbanded. It is currently unpublished and I own all the rights.

Hard Copy Available



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