
The Future
Bryan DeMinico
In the year 3421, human, novus, and alien races coexist through political strife perpetuated by daily United Planetary Congress interactions, the foundation of political theater. An encrypted code, capable of crippling a newly developed artificial earth planet, is stolen from an atmospheric control outpost orbiting Atlas. Agent Jonah, Galactic Interpol Society top-priority agent, must immerse himself within the violent shadows surrounding his new mission as he enters the Revised Washington District. Jax, a novus crime lord leading a reputable novus terrorist organization, lends aid to a powerful political figure pulling the strings. To further complicate Jonah's investigation, a rogue galactic, code name Trigarous, interferes every step of the way. Enter vivid action sequences and futuristic locales to find out if Agent Jonah can overcome all obstacles and save Atlas from an evil politician's plot for power dominance in the galaxy. Army combat veteran Bryan DeMinico gives readers a Sci-Fi world full of hi-tech spy activities, sleek technologies, socio-political interactions spanning across two earth planets, mix in a new humanoid race, colonized space worlds, and add a dash of discovered aliens on Planet Amephirous.
Adventure, Sci-Fi, Suspense / Thriller, Political, Action,
Short Summary
A key story set up is Jax's introduction of Plan B, as he internally changes alliances away from Dracon when an opportunity, seen in Agent Jonah's arrival, presents itself. Another set up is the angle and discovery of Agent Trigarous' role when he turns rogue.
The future where the galaxy is colonized. Planet Atlas and Old Earth are two key locations. The major setting is the Revised Washington District containing Revised Washington Building. The Universal Business Center is also visited. Planet Amephirous, the alien home-world, as well as the novus colonies located in the Southern Hemisphere of Old Earth are also key areas of interest mentioned.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Overcoming Monster/Villain
Plot - Other Elements
Twist, Philosophical Questions
Mature Audience Themes
Nudity, Substance Abuse, Extreme Violence
Main Character Details
Name: Jonah
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Honorable, Confident, Educated, Heroic, Strong Moral Code, Aggressive, Sarcastic, Skillful, Perseverance, Sophisticated, Masculine, Leader, Secretive, Decisive
Additional Character Details
Name: Jax
Age: 40
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Educated, Villainous, Manipulative, Charming, Complex, Criminal, Engaging, Unapologetic, Confident, Greedy, Masculine, Skillful, Outspoken, Sophisticated, Aggressive, Badass, Decisive, Leader
Additional Character Details
Name: Ambassador Dracon T. Michaels
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Criminal, Insecure, Visionary, Villainous, Blunt, Aspiring, Clumsy, Educated, Greedy, Power-hungry, Unapologetic
Additional Character Details
Name: Ambassador Andrea L. Fortisear
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: Logical
Key Traits: Aspiring, Engaging, Faithful, Gracious, Honorable, Leader, Confident, Educated, Visionary, Selfless, Beautiful, Empathetic, Sophisticated