The Priest, the Witch & the Poltergeist

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19th Century

Barbara Wade Rose

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In 1850 a priest in a rural French village blames a male witch for the poltergeist haunting his parsonage. Half-crazed by noise, the priest beats the witch terribly, but he survives and sues the priest for assault. The only known trial in history with a witch as plaintiff follows. A true story.



Short Summary

Father Lariat has jailed his coven leader for naturopathy, so outsider Felix Thorel frightens the priest's two parsonage students with a 'hex' of strange words and electrostatic charges. The priest forces Thorel to apologize to the boys. Soon horrible noises erupt inside the parsonage walls.


Story and trial: Normandy, 1850 and 1851. Prologue and epilogue: Paris, 1870.

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain,Rebellion Against 'The One',Other,Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Philosophical Questions,Twist,Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Thorel Felix

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Underdog,Masculine,Uneducated,Romantic,Secretive,Lone Wolf,Unapologetic,Adventurous,Clumsy,Complex,Heroic,Blunt,Badass

Additional Character Details

Name: Father Jean Lariat

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Crazy,Desperate,Religious,Educated,Insecure,Narcisstic,Power Hungry,Manipulative,Leader,Confident

Additional Character Details

Name: Eve Therigny

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Role: emotional

Key Traits: Aspiring,Badass,Criminal,Empathetic,Flexible,Underdog,Uneducated,Sexy,Selfless,Skillful,Outspoken,Romantic,Unapologetic

Additional Character Details

Name: Robert de Saint Victor

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Role: logical

Key Traits: Confident,Decisive,Gracious,Educated,Honorable,Leader,Masculine,Skillful,Visionary,Sophisticated

About The Author

Barbara Wade Rose is an award-winning journalist and the author of one biography, two novels based on true stories and one middle-grade children's novel.

Target Audiences

Age: 35,18-34,55+,35-54

Target Gender: Male,Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Booktrack PLC.

Year Published: 2012

Hard Copy Available


