A gripping tale of racial prejudice in a small Southern town, Bloodroot tells the story of a retired law enforcement officer, Harry Weatherholtz, who stumbles upon the drowning of a young black orphan who was forced by his white foster parent, Hurley Cutshaw, into a farm pond to retrieve a fishing lure.
Action, Adventure, Crime, Mystery,
Short Summary
Weatherholtz discovers that the roots of the crime run deep, to those in the highest positions of power. A local judge, Jeremiah Jenkins, is placing black children in homes where the young children are forced to do domestic labor for neighbors, from which the foster parents receive wages.
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Overcoming Monster/Villain
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message, Twist, Happy Ending
Mature Audience Themes
Information not completed
Main Character Details
Name: Harry Weatherholtz
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Confident, Faithful, Masculine, Religious, Strong Moral Code, Adventurous, Aggressive, Engaging, Honorable, Modest, Patriotic
Additional Character Details
Name: Miss Ann
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role: Emotional
Key Traits: Underdog, Desperate, Insecure, Uneducated
Additional Character Details
Name: Hurley Cutshaw
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Aggressive, Crazy, Criminal, Greedy, Manipulative, Uneducated, Villainous
Additional Character Details
Name: Sheriff Flinn
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Role: Sidekick
Key Traits: Empathetic, Honorable, Modest, Patriotic, Strong Moral Code