"My Gifts from the Gods"
Across The Centuries
Justin Freelace
The book My Gifts from the Gods is the story of my journey to contact to with, out of this world entities, asking me to help resolve a big problem on the planet Earth. It was impossible to not help, so here is the story of that journey from the beginning, very beginning. Showing that you don't get to that point without their help, overnight.
Action, Adventure, Crime, Detective, Apocalyptic, Epic, Family, Mystery, Suspense / Thriller,
Short Summary
The setup of this story revolves around my life from the beginning of my existence, to date. And what was revealed to me in a matter of what they believed would be easier for me to understand, then all at once, and scare me off, so it could be relayed to all whom care.
Wisconsin, America
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Overcoming Monster/Villain
Plot - Other Elements
Coming of Age, Meaningful Message
Mature Audience Themes
Information not completed
Main Character Details
Name: Jonni
Age: 65
Gender: Male
Role: Logical
Key Traits: Skillful, Adventurous, Blunt, Educated, Honorable, Perseverance, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Funny, Patriotic, Romantic, Strong Moral Code, Visionary, Complex, Empathetic, Faithful, Heroic, Selfless, Decisive, Lone Wolf, Modest
Additional Character Details
Name: Uncle Wally
Age: 90
Gender: Male
Role: Mentor
Key Traits: Sophisticated, Beautiful, Empathetic, Faithful, Modest, Perseverance, Romantic, Blunt, Complex, Flexible, Skillful, Funny, Gracious, Outspoken, Badass, Decisive, Patriotic, Visionary, Desperate, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Selfless, Charming, Educated, Honorable, Strong Moral Code, Underdog, Adventurous, Confident, Leader, Aggressive, Heroic
Additional Character Details
Name: My wife, Bonnie
Age: 65
Gender: Female
Role: Sidekick
Key Traits: Engaging, Aggressive, Confident, Selfless, Visionary, Badass, Educated, Perseverance, Charming, Flexible, Funny, Secretive, Strong Moral Code, Adventurous, Beautiful, Outspoken, Romantic, Faithful, Heartthrob, Leader, Patriotic, Seductive, Sexy, Complex, Empathetic, Heroic, Honorable, Decisive, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Gracious
Additional Character Details
Name: Friend
Age: 10000
Role: Mentor
Key Traits: Engaging, Gracious, Seductive, Sophisticated, Confident, Desperate, Educated, Perseverance, Flexible, Patriotic, Underdog, Charming, Empathetic, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Heroic, Visionary, Romantic, Skillful, Strong Moral Code, Badass, Blunt, Complex, Faithful, Manipulative, Aggressive, Decisive, Secretive, Adventurous, Honorable, Leader