Knowing God
"Knowing God" is about a lonely man, named Nathan, who after failing to attempt suicide, meets a strange woman who claims to be "God." After some subtle convincing of the claim, and confronted by a winged man named "Gabriel," Nathan accepts this fantastic reality. A reality that will change his world, and the world of Mankind...FOREVER!
Sci-Fi, Action, Fantasy, Romance,,Fantasy
Short Summary
Nathan Andrews, a lost man, tries to kill himself. He dies having an incredible near-death experience. A beautiful woman appears from out of nowhere and orders him to "Go Back!" He finds himself strapped to a bed in a mental ward after leaving, he discovers a strange girl named Amanda who is GOD.
In the book, location is not mentioned.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Internal Journey/Rebirth
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions
Mature Audience Themes
Language/Profanity, Language/Profanity,Extreme Violence
Main Character Details
Name: Nathan Andrews
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Empathetic, Faithful, Honorable, Religious, Romantic, Selfless, Underdog, Educated,Charming,Clumsy,Engaging,Faithful,Insecure
Additional Character Details
Name: Amanda (God)
Age: unknown - appears over 27
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Leader, Outspoken, Romantic, Sexy, Complex, Empathetic, Confident, Faithful, Heartthrob, Strong Moral Code, Educated, Engaging, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Funny, Aspiring, Beautiful, Blunt, Charming, Seductive, Selfless, Gracious, Honorable, Religious, Secretive,Sexy,Blunt,Selfless,Outspoken,Skillful,Visionary,Complex,Empathetic,Engaging,Faithful,Gracious,Honorable,Strong Moral Code
Additional Character Details
Name: Christy
Age: 30
Gender: Lgbt
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Badass, Complex, Funny, Seductive, Sexy, Blunt, Confident, Adventurous, Aggressive, Unapologetic, Beautiful, Faithful, Outspoken,Unapologetic,Seductive,Outspoken,Adventurous,Charming,Complex,Confident,Empathetic,Engaging,Faithful,Gracious,Heroic,Educated,Honorable,Blunt,Sexy
Additional Character Details
Name: Gabriel (Archangel)
Age: Infinite - appears over 35
Gender: Male
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Aspiring, Blunt, Confident, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Funny, Honorable, Religious, Selfless, Faithful, Heroic, Skillful, Sophisticated, Visionary, Adventurous, Beautiful, Charming, Leader, Romantic, Complex, Empathetic, Engaging, Heartthrob, Sexy, Strong Moral Code,Badass,Confident,Charming,Empathetic,Engaging,Faithful,Gracious,Masculine,Sexy,Religious,Blunt,Selfless,Strong Moral Code