Gin Fizz

Book Cover


1960s & '70s

Suzanne Tilden-Mortimer

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Roy's obsession with Irmhild the "bitch on wheels" takes over his life and almost gets him killed.



Short Summary

The story takes place in 1960's Los Angeles, California. It's the heyday of advertising where media buyers are wined and dined, given plenty of gifts and other perks by radio and television sales people. When Irmhild is murdered Roy makes it his mission to find her killer.


Los Angeles and trips to Palm Springs & Tucson Arizona

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise


Plot - Other Elements


Mature Audience Themes


Main Character Details

Name: Roy has issues. As the story progresses he becomes more Irmhild than himself

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Clumsy,Complex,Outspoken,Funny,Secretive,Underdog,Naive,Insecure

Additional Character Details

Name: The Reverend

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Aggressive,Criminal,Religious,Narcisstic,Secretive,Unapologetic,Greedy,Villainous,Power Hungry,Manipulative

Additional Character Details

Name: Muriel

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Role: mentor

Key Traits: Confident,Decisive,Blunt,Greedy,Unapologetic,Sarcastic,Funny,Outspoken,Manipulative

Additional Character Details

Name: Neighbor

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Role: antagonist

Key Traits: Masculine,Villainous,Narcisstic,Aggressive,Desperate,Secretive,Unapologetic,Criminal,Greedy,Manipulative

About The Author

Suzanne was born in Des Moines, Iowa and grew up in Tucson, Arizona. Over a forty year span she worked as a broadcast media buyer for advertising agencies in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Tucson. In 1972 she earned an Associate Degree in Art from Los Angeles City College and during the seventies attended California State University in Northridge, majoring in art and political science. In 2000 she realized her love of writing while taking classes at Pima College and working there as a reading and writing tutor. She retired in Green Valley, Arizona with three dogs - Oscar, Chiquita and Curly-Sue, and parrots Fred and Jack.

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34,35-54,55+

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 2020

Hard Copy Available







Roy investigates his sister's death. He struggles to figure out what in her life caused her to be murdered. By trying to immerse himself in her life to find the answers, he slowly finds himself drawn to the allures of her lifestyle. Roy slowly becomes his sister; likely to assuage deep-seated childhood neglect and try to gain favor from his ailing mother.

Overall Rating


Point of View


Narrative Elements

Authors Writing Style: FAIR

Characterization: FAIR

Commerciality: FAIR

Franchise Potential: FAIR

Pace: FAIR

Premise: FAIR

Structure: FAIR

Theme: FAIR

Accuracy of Book Profile

The twisted obsession of Roy in solving his sister's murder by becoming her is not fully explored in the logline as their relationship and the extent of his fascination/ dedication is not expressed. The development pitch and summary do add explanation to the narrative that reflects the story, but the pitch could be expanded further by discussing specific themes of the book that make it marketable for the screen.

Draw of Story

Roy's obsession with his sister seems to be more with her lifestyle and belongings rather than her as a person. It is an unsettling fixation that automatically creates tension as to where his investigation will lead and how far into her life he will recreate for answers.

Possible Drawbacks

While the fixation on women's appearances makes sense later on, there does tend to be greater details in the aesthetics of the scene rather than the motivations of the characters and pace of the plot which can slow down the mystery being solved at times. By giving the characters less purely appearance driven descriptions and more actions that show their personality and physicality the pacing and character development would be strengthened.

Use of Special Effects


Primary Hook of Story

The hook is that Roy feels he must become his sister in order to find her killer the further down the rabbit hole of her investigation he goes.

Fanbase Potential

With clearer themes and some more developed character arcs this may have a steady audience although due the subject and the historical aspects of the mystery this may not appeal to both liberal or conservative at the same time.

Awards Potential

This is unlikely to have awards potential without further insights into the motivations of the side characters and clarification on some of the main characters. Roy's identity shift is nuanced but might be too complicated although he has the most potential to be nominated.

Envisioned Budget


Similar Films/TV Series


What’s New About the Story

The originality stems from Roy's relationship with his sister becoming blurred as he investigates her death. This creates tension and sympathy for the protagonist but thematically updating their motivations for more modern concepts of sexuality, fluidity and gender-presenting may add further nuance to the characters and themes.

Lead Characters

Roy is hyper-focused, dedicated and slowly finding his rhythm in becoming his true interest. Muriel Roy's mother and many of ad office women are direct, condescending and judgemental. Irmhild was shown to be deceitful but not malicious in her past choices.

Uniqueness of Story

This has some fun moments, but the tone is a bit unclear and many of the side characters are static. The connection between Roy and his sister while investigating her murder is definitely memorable, but the themes are hard to follow in such a complicated transition on top of the mystery.

Possible Formats

Film: Studio, Indie, Streaming TV Series: Network, Cable, Limited Run / Mini-Series, Streaming Unscripted

Analyst Recommendation



While the story has many positive points, it has room for improvement (see possible paths below). If you can't change the story at this point, my suggestion is using your notes as a guide to highlight the best aspects of it when taking the next steps, either putting a pitch page together, a treatment, or a presentation.

Tips for Improvement

Creating inner conflicts and transformations for characters outside of the protagonist will help create more dynamic characters and relationships. The themes surrounding Roy's transformation on top of his investigation could be clarified to be more modern. Less focus on appearances could also help connection plot points in continuous focus and tension.