Serenity Incident - the Dead Path Chronicles

Richard A. Valicek

Book Cover



    Core Theme














    Caprius Seaton has discovered the hidden vampires upon his home planet Alamptria. No-one will believe him and he must prove it to his father king Confidus Seaton, head of his majesties sacred deeds. A threat upon Caprius' life was made and Confidus plans to launch an attack against the enemy.

    Target Audiences

    Age: 18-34

    Target Gender: Male Leaning


    The dark fantasy world of Alamptria. Could very well be similar to London England.

    Based on a True Story


    Publishing Details

    Status: Yes: self-published

    Publisher: RA Valicek Books

    Year Published: 2018

    Starting Description

    Caprius Seaton enters the Triconian Simulation tower. He plans to communicate with his dead mother in the spirit world within the simulation chamber. Caprius is now trapped in the chamber as the conductor of the simulation has now stopped the flow of oxygen within the chamber. Plans to kill him.

    Ending Description

    Caprius and Shelly Hathoway are agents sent to uncover the plot to annihilate the entire world of Alamptria by transforming them to the undead. Shelly must save Caprius who has been wounded, and she flies the air shuttle into the enemy winter stronghold gunning them all down; destroying them all.

    Group Specific

    Information not completed

    Hard Copy Available



    Information not completed

    Mature Audience Themes

    Extreme Violence,Nudity

    Plot - Other Elements

    Happy Ending,Twist

    Plot - Premise

    Rebellion Against 'The One',Overcoming Monster/Villain

    Main Character Details

    Name: Caprius Seaton

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Role: Protagonist

    Key Traits: Adventurous,Masculine,Charming,Confident,Selfless,Outspoken,Skillful,Romantic,Heroic,Educated,Honorable

    Additional Character Details

    Name: Shelly Hathoway

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Role: Protagonist

    Key Traits: Adventurous,Aggressive,Modest,Confident,Sexy,Selfless,Outspoken,Skillful,Faithful,Gracious,Romantic,Seductive,Educated,Honorable

    Additional Character Details

    Name: Melina Hampshire

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Role: antagonist

    Key Traits: Modest,Charming,Obedient,Sexy,Religious,Desperate,Empathetic,Selfless,Faithful,Gracious,Romantic,Sophisticated,Educated,Honorable

    Additional Character Details

    Name: Confidus Seaton

    Age: 49

    Gender: Male

    Role: antagonist

    Key Traits: Charming,Religious,Faithful,Gracious,Aggressive,Confident,Outspoken,Educated,Honorable,Leader,Skillful


    As vampires and goncools threaten to take over the planet, a prince who is prophesized to be the future father of the savior of the world, must fight a deadly battle against evil to ensure that his destiny is fulfilled.

    What We Liked

    - Vampires are always a good bet. The age old story of good versus evil makes this a compelling offering. It’s a solid mix of science fiction and fantasy that could be appealing to genre fans.
    - Franchise potential, creatures and space shuttles, this has the makings of a solid film.
    - This could be adapted for a television series style format as it follows the travels of the lead character and the creatures of the underworld.
    - Key points: Universal theme of good vs. evil; Hybrid genre; Special effects/Creature makeup; Potential franchise opportunity; Engaging battle sequences.


    In a distant future, in the country of Elysium on the planet Alamptria lives a charming prince called Caprius Seaton. He is the son of King Confidus and he wants Caprius to join the Council of Confidus as an agent. However, Capris doesn’t want to comply with his father’s wishes and hopes to have a more normal life than envisioned by his father.

    When Caprius wants to communicate with his deceased mother who resides in the spirit world, he finds that his life in danger. He is attacked by a man who turns into some sort of heinous monster and the flow of oxygen within the chamber where he is stops. He is able to escape in the nick of time with the help of a friend. After the monster kills a doctor, Caprius performs an autopsy on her. She comes back to life on the table and also becomes a monster.

    Confidus is furious to learn of the attempt on his son’s life and plans to seek retribution. He doesn't believe Caprius' stories about monsters and corpses coming alive. Because no evidence of anything supernatural appears on the remains left behind, Confuidus is convinced that the neighboring country of Bramonia is responsible for the attempt on Caprius’ life and not the reported monsters.

    An ancient prophecy involving Caprius and his ex-girlfriend comes to light. He learns that he will marry Melina Hampshire and that they will have a son called Lantrinon. He will someday be responsible for destroying Makoor, the dark lord of the underworld, and his minions. Makoor wants to take over the world with his army of undead and wipe out humanity. Everyone in the underworld, including goncools and vampires, believes the prophecy and attempt to kill Caprius to stop it from coming to fruition.

    Caprius and Melina used to be a couple, but she left him for his friend. Deeply hurt, but wanting to get her back, Caprius hopes the prophecy is true. After being apart for six years, Melina comes back into his life. Her ailing mother is being manipulated by Makoor to help him stop the reconciliation of Caprius and Melina. After her death, their reunion becomes a possibility.

    Caprius is riding his own motorcycle when he is savagely attacked by a motorcycle gang of goncools and vampires. He manages to escape and blow up a large swath of their territory. Meanwhile, Melina is on a train that is taken over by vampires and goncools. They kill everyone on the train but Melina. The great elf wizard, Grongone, intervenes from afar. He helps Caprius rescue Melina who tells her about the prophecy. Caprius and Grongone rig the train to explode when it arrives at the station. When it explodes, the vampires and goncools are destroyed leaving behind no evidence of their existence or that of Makoor. King Confidus still doesn’t believe Caprius and plans to attack the Bramonia in retribution for the assassination attempt of Caprius.

    Caprius knows he must stop his father from starting a war. Caprius experiences a series of visions that confirm that wizard Grongone has selected the Seaton family to save the planet of Alamptria from the forces of the underworld. On his own, Caprius makes his way to Serenity River on the border with Bramonia where he evades a huge nest of vampires.

    In Bramonia, Caprius meets with the Brandimoir. He is Melina’s sister Selena’s husband. Caprius makes him aware of the pending war between their two countries. When Brandimoir sees a vampire killed by his soldiers, he believes Caprius’ story. To help convince King Confidus of the existences of the monsters, Brandimoir sends him the creature’s head via messenger.

    Along his way, Caprius teams up with an agent named Shelly Hathoway. She accompanies him to the hidden underworld stronghold in the Crimson Peak mountains. Here they plan to kill Samuel Trenton, the leader of the G.R.I.M. organization for goncools and vampires. He is Caprius’ former friend and nemesis. Shelly and Caprius find the subterranean lair, where thousands of vampires and goncools are preparing to take over the planet by transforming the inhabitants into the undead. During the showdown, Caprius is voluntarily captured and then bitten by a vampire. He triggers a timed explosion that kills vampires while Shelly destroys the lair and its inhabitants. Samuel Trenton survives the slaughter and will no doubt begin plotting anew.

    Although Shelly has fallen in love with Caprius, she accepts that his heart belongs to another. She brings him home and once he recovers at Castle Elysium he is reunited with Melina. He is a now a Knight with the order of Confidus and will fulfill his destiny to become the father of the future savior of Alamptria.

    About The Author

    Richard A Valicek is a multi award winning author of 3 books in the Dead Path Chronicles series.