The Identity of the Child (From Fear to Faith)

Donna Smith 1516884426811


1960s & '70s

Donna W Smith

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God gives us gifts according to his will. If you notice something about yourself that you do well with little effort. It's a given gift from God and the more we apply his word to our lives the more he continues to bless us. God has promised never to leave us or forsake us.



Short Summary

As a child, she had a near-drowning experience and begin having visits from what appear to ghosts or spirits in the nights. She couldn't make her family understand what she was living with so they could help protect her in the nights. She began to pray after watching her mother on her knees praying.


South Florida

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth,Other

Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message,Coming of Age

Mature Audience Themes

Language/Profanity,Sexual Abuse,Extreme Violence

Main Character Details

Name: Donna

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Empathetic,Faithful,Funny,Badass,Confident,Religious,Selfless,Skillful,Outspoken,Engaging,Flexible,Sarcastic,Aspiring,Charming,Obedient,Heroic,Leader

Additional Character Details

Name: Tonna

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Selfless,Skillful,Flexible,Heroic,Confident,Badass,Adventurous,Faithful,Engaging,Blunt,Religious,Patriotic

Additional Character Details

Name: Connie

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Role: mentor

Key Traits: Confident,Blunt,Religious,Badass,Aggressive,Honorable,Sarcastic,Outspoken,Selfless,Visionary,Gracious,Flexible,Faithful,Decisive,Patriotic,Strong Moral Code,Leader

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

The author wrote A memoir to put pieces of her past together She lived a life that she feared in the beginning. After a near-drowning as a small child. It seemed like no one care about cries in the night of being bothered by things she couldn't explain. She learned to pray by watching her mother praying and asking God for help with her problems. As she grows older she started having things that happened that couldn't explain to others. Her imagination world seems to appear real. She knew things sometimes before they happened and she had a great love for animals and somehow one comes around with the friendliest spirit to play with her. In her dreams she could go anywhere she wanted to go and got up thinking it was true. As she grew older and more aware of things about herself and she knew it was God's grace and mercy that watching after her. We all gifts and some have given gifts to share and help others.

Target Audiences

Age: 35-54

Target Gender: Universal,Other

Group Specific

Spiritual settings

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Alexa Publishings

Year Published: 2010

Hard Copy Available
