Stuart Milton’s wife has vanished from existence, his whole life has become unrecognisable. The deeper he digs for answers, the stranger his life becomes. The truth is only revealed when he is approached by a group of scientists who claim to have built a machine that can link parallel universes.
Short Summary
Waking up in a strange house, with no memory of how or why he is there, Stuart Milton finds his life has changed beyond recognition. His pregnant wife is missing, but no one can substantiate his claim. His only salvation becomes the psychiatrist assigned to his case.
Predominantly Southern England but includes other events occurring in locations around the world
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Voyage and Return
Plot - Other Elements
Philosophical Questions,Twist
Mature Audience Themes
Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity
Main Character Details
Name: Stuart Milton
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Empathetic,Faithful,Masculine,Underdog,Modest,Adventurous,Desperate,Educated,Honorable,Funny,Clumsy
Additional Character Details
Name: Catherine Carson
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Role: Skeptic
Key Traits: Aspiring,Charming,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Engaging,Faithful,Educated,Selfless,Gracious,Underdog,Skillful,Romantic,Sophisticated
Additional Character Details
Name: John Humphries
Age: 65
Gender: Male
Role: logical
Key Traits: Aspiring,Charming,Confident,Decisive,Engaging,Gracious,Leader,Outspoken,Skillful,Visionary,Secretive,Sophisticated,Manipulative
Additional Character Details
Name: Lin Lee
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Role: antagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous,Badass,Aggressive,Confident,Crazy,Criminal,Decisive,Engaging,Greedy,Villainous,Sexy,Heroic,Blunt,Underdog,Skillful,Sarcastic,Secretive,Seductive,Sophisticated,Manipulative,Unapologetic,Lone Wolf
Stuart wakes up with a massive hangover and no idea where he is. Everyone around him is telling him a different story about his life. He is contacted by a group of scientist that believe he is actually from an alternate universe. They have a machine called the Harmoniser, that will send him back to his universe, but someone is set out to destroy the machine.
Overall Rating
Narrative Elements
Authors Writing Style: GOOD
Characterization: GOOD
Commerciality: FAIR
Franchise Potential: GOOD
Pace: GOOD
Premise: GOOD
Structure: GOOD
Theme: GOOD
Accuracy of Book Profile
Yes, the book profile accurately reflects the book.
Draw of Story
The story begins immediately with Stuart waking up and being confused about where he is. He's brother arrives at his home and Stuart's questions about his wife create tension. His brother, Dave, thinks something happened to Stuart after there night of drinking. The story starts off with the questions of Stuart's mental health or if something sinister is happening.
Possible Drawbacks
There are many characters and storylines that are unnecessary. Thee main focus should be on Stuart and getting him back to his universe.
Use of Special Effects
Primary Hook of Story
The hook is there is an alternate universe where Stuart falls through and switches with his alternate self. I would watch the movie for the sci-fi aspects of it which could be delved into more.
Fanbase Potential
This could have a large fanbase if the stakes are made a little higher. It is mainly about Stuart wanting to return to his wife and the scientist wanting to prove his theory. There are antagonist who are trying to stop it but the fate of the world is not at stake. It’s about a guy trying to get back to his wife and unborn child.
Awards Potential
This does not have award potential. This story has been done before and this one is not breaking any new ground. There is little suspense and it is very predictable. The ending is happy but not interesting.
Envisioned Budget
Similar Films/TV Series
What’s New About the Story
There is nothing original about this story. It could become more unique when explaining the science behind how Stuart switched universes and his returning back to his own.
Lead Characters
There is nothing about the lead character that stands out. He is an ordinary guy, living a normal life with his wife when he is thrown into chaos. Doctors believe he is having a mental breakdown because nothing that he believes to be true exists. He finds out he isn't crazy and works to get back to his wife.
Uniqueness of Story
This is an average story that has been done before. It can be improved by being less predictable. Stuart does make it back to his wife and he is happy, but it could be edgier. Stuart could end up in his universe in a completely different time period and have to use what he learned to make a new machine to get back.
Possible Formats
Film - Studio, Film - Streaming, TV Series - Cable, TV Series - Streaming
Analyst Recommendation
It’s a consider rather than a recommend because it does not have the thrills and intrigue of a sci-fi, alternate universe story. It meanders on but never grips the audience. It’s still a good story.