Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires

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Franklin Posner

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Office worker and ordinary guy Scott Campbell is probably the last person you’d suspect of being a vampire. His new supernatural enemies may underestimate him, but this suburban vampire is much stronger than anyone thinks.



Short Summary

Scott Campbell is a lovable loser at life, working a cubicle job and dealing with the aftermath of a recent divorce. One night, as he leaves work, he is involved in a car accident. Scott survives the crash, but the other motorist attacks him, changing his life forever.


Portland, Oregon

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain,Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending,Other

Mature Audience Themes

Language/Profanity,Extreme Violence,Nudity

Main Character Details

Name: Scott Campbell

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Clumsy,Desperate,Insecure,Naive,Underdog,Strong Moral Code,Religious,Modest,Heroic

Additional Character Details

Name: Jeremiah

Age: 2000

Gender: Male

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Badass,Confident,Decisive,Empathetic,Heroic,Honorable,Leader,Strong Moral Code,Masculine

Additional Character Details

Name: Elizabeth

Age: 157

Gender: Female

Role: sidekick

Key Traits: Badass,Adventurous,Aggressive,Confident,Crazy,Decisive,Leader,Lone Wolf,Unapologetic,Sarcastic,Skillful,Outspoken,Blunt,Sexy

Additional Character Details

Name: Jack

Age: 160

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Aggressive, Charming, Confident, Criminal, Manipulative, Masculine, Unapologetic, Villainous

About The Author

Award-winning author (First in Category, 2018 CIBA Paranormal/Supernatural Awards) Franklin Posner lives in Portland, Oregon. He is not, nor has he ever been, a vampire, suburban or otherwise. Suburban Vampire is his first book. That’s the official story, but it isn’t the whole story. Franklin (“Dave” to his friends) has been interested in writing since he was in grade school. However, apart from a few articles published in some obscure corners of the internet, he never seriously pursued writing as a vocation, despite friends and family telling him that he should probably consider it. And now, many years later, after a few attempts, he has finally achieved his dream. Whether it was maturity, or experience, or a midlife crisis, he’s not sure. All he knows is that Franklin Posner is an author, and he’s here to stay. Franklin’s Suburban Vampire novels are urban/contemporary fantasy/paranormal thrillers with action, suspense, romance, and all the blood and mayhem associated with vampires, served alongside a healthy dose of humor, both light and dark, sarcastic and subtle. If you’re a fan of Charlaine Harris, Anne Rice, Larry Correia, or Jim Butcher, or if you just like a fun read, check them out!

Target Audiences

Age: 35-54,55+,18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Self-Published

Year Published: 2017

Hard Copy Available
